Friday, June 29, 2007

MsgViewer the 1st

Dear All,

this is the first time for me to make such kind of "waste of time stuff". I'm actually to busy to do blogging but to get some feedback or good hints I will do it ;-)
Ok, let's start with the real topic - the MsgViewer -

The tool which we (Greenwood and myself) are developing is an Outlook MSG-file viewer (you don't need outlook). The plan is to sell it (with source code) and to publish the SW + source code for none commercial issues for free.
Oh, before I forget - we really have to thank the whole C# community for the nice hints and especially the :: share code page users.

Ok - here is a first screenshot of our tool:

I think it's looking not so bad - still there are bugs inside but we are working on it. The following functions are implemented:

  • select path from file system
  • add paths to private (user favorites) and global (group/department) favorites
  • searching over subject, mail body and dates + quick search over mail subjects
  • indexing to have faster access to huge amounts of msg-files (index is also used for quick search)
  • uncompress compressed RTF message body
  • attachment handling (msg-file attachments are not yet supported - we are working on it)
  • support of Asian characters
  • "sort" attachments and place it at the correct position at the mail body + show correct file type icon (read out from windows system)

Well - thats all for now.
If you have any questions, improvement ideas, ... don't hesitate to contact us.



Anonymous said...

Good luck in the future work. Good job.

Unknown said...

Ziggi you are good....too good :)